Tuesday, November 19, 2013

y u nu tlk 2 me?

People and their phones just annoy me. One, because I, at the moment, don't have one so I feel like they're rubbing theirs in my face when they use them. Two, all the dumb shortcuts people use when they text or when people use numbers in place of words. Just no. Stop. You look dumb and it's just annoying. I should not have to look at your message more than two times just to make sure I understand what you are trying to say.

Y do ppl txt lyk dis 4? I dnt undastand y u do dis. do u wnt me 2 h8 u? cuz u r askin 4 it. Hu made dis a thang & y did evry1 thnk it ws k? cn we jus txt da way we tlk? iz dat 2 mch 2 ask 4?

Alright that's enough of that. I just spent about twenty minutes on that small paragraph and I had to go to Google just to make sure I was doing it right. That's not okay. I had to do research on how to text incorrectly and the whole time I was getting confused and frustrated. You know maybe the people that text like that are just doing it to make people annoyed. I give you props if you could read that in one shot. I wrote the dang thing and had to read it about five times just to make sure it made sense.  People, you give me headaches, HEADACHES.

I most likely won't have a conversation with someone that types like that constantly. I can handle little things every now and then. I understand it's easier to type 'u', 'y', and 'r', but really it's not that difficult to write them out. Plus it makes it seem like you're not even trying to keep the conversation going. It's pointless to talk to someone that responds "nm, hbu?" just no I can't handle people. 

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