Tuesday, March 11, 2014

It was just a dream~

When dreaming affects you after you wake up. I woke up at 4:17am  so angry today. Even after I was fully awake I could feel my blood pressure rising in my face and my heart was pounding because of how mad I was. I tried to tell myself it was just a dream and that it meant nothing, but even as I write this I'm still mad. 

I'm not even sure how or why I dreamed that. Those people weren't on my mind when I went to bed or in fact at all during the day and I was in such a happy mood went I went to bed. Oh and the person I was angry at in my dream I actually dislike a fair amount so it's just adding the hatred on.
Maybe I should drink a glass of milk before bed like I see the people on TV do or I could count some sheep? Sheep are nice, warm, and cozy. They just give off happy vibes. Thinking of sheep before I go to bed could make me have a happy dream. Then again who wants to count a hundred sheep before they sleep? That's a bit much, don't you think? 
It's 5:56am now and after a while I'm not as mad as I was when I first woke up. I'm still a little angry, but I'm calm about it. I'm actually really interested by the fact that a dream could make me so moody. I found this link that tells what might have caused you to dream what you did and why you got the emotion you did. For me I got angry. My explanation is the fifth one down. 


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